Troop: Revolutionizing workplace connections by facilitating meaningful interactions.

Software Dev Case Study

The Project

In the wake of the transformative shift to remote work in 2020, the workplace landscape became increasingly fragmented. Recognizing the need for a cohesive solution, Troop was conceived to revolutionize the way colleagues connect in a virtual environment. Nectar Labs was entrusted with the task of developing a purpose-built platform to facilitate meaningful connections and cultivate a vibrant workplace network.

Objectives & Goals

Troop is a dynamic workplace social network designed to enhance employee connectivity by fostering meaningful interactions based on shared interests and goals. Through Troop, employees can seamlessly connect with colleagues who share similar interests and aspirations. The platform facilitates the formation of genuine connections, recognizing that prioritizing employee happiness and well-being contributes to a more positive and productive work environment. Numerous studies have shown that prioritizing employee happiness and well-being leads to increased job satisfaction and productivity. Troop acts as a catalyst in this process, providing a space where employees can engage in activities that bring them joy, build supportive relationships, and ultimately thrive in their professional endeavors.


Troop's core mission is to deliver a responsive, intelligently designed app. Troop wants to empower employees, providing them with a platform to seamlessly discover and communicate with coworkers who share common interests. To achieve this, Troop enables employees to easily search for colleagues who share similar interests and engage in seamless communication. To make this happen, Nectar meticulously designed the platform for speed and responsiveness, creating a user-friendly experience that encourages use.